Vecka 19, 6-12 maj

EFKbön (428x353)


EFKbön (428x353)

EFK är med och stödjer många pionjära insatser i Mellanöstern/Nordaf­rika. Det är det område i världen som har lägst andel kristna. Politisk oro och förföljelse gör att många kristna också flytt till väst. Många vittnar dock om att mitt i den oro som finns i dessa länder, så har intresset för kristen tro ökat. Människor möter Jesus genom drömmar, visioner, genom mediesändningar och genom kristna de möter i vardagen. EFK ger stöd till en nationell träningskola i ett av de mer stängda länderna. Nationella nyckelpersoner är personer med viktiga funktioner i organisa­tioner och församlingar. EFK stödjer flera sådana i Mellanöstern. Vissa arbetar med att nå ut genom medier, andra med att hjälpa människor ur fattigdom genom t.ex. utbildning och mikrolån.

EFKbön, c

Tullbrokyrkan, Falkenberg

Mitt i centrala Falkenberg ligger Tullbrokyrkan som bildades 1974 genom att Missionskyrkan och Baptistkyrkan i Falkenberg bildade Falkenbergs Frikykoförsamling. I dag är 220 personer medlemmar i församlingen och vi samverkar med både EFK och Gemensam Framtid. Tullbrokyrkan vill vara en öppen och varm församling för alla med Jesus Kristus i centrum! Vi längtar efter att få vara med och se Guds rike växa i Falkenberg och i världen.

/Daniel Åkerblad

EFKbön, b

Elim Light Bergshamra, Stockholm

We are a so-called pioneer cell group – the very first beginnings of a new church – started in October 2011 within Elim Church. We’re a group of followers of Jesus Christ who desire to share our lives, faith and hope with each other and with others. We want God’s Kingdom – any place where God is King – to be reality in our lives and in the lives of our friends, and we desire to see lives changed because of God’s amazing power and love. As truth and grace characterized Jesus’ life, we also want them to characterize our lives.

We are from several different countries and therefore speak English when we meet.

If you long to know God, want to be part of what He’s doing among us, or if you’re just curious, you’re very welcome to join us! Please visit our external website at Länk till annan webbplats.

/Från hemsidan

Be för:

  • Be för de nyckelpersoner som får stöd genom Evangeliska Frikyrkan i regionen. Be om beskydd över deras egna liv och deras familjer.

  • Be för EFKs personal på regionkontoret på Cypern som samordnar alla dessa insatser.

  • Be att de nykristna som kommit till tro hittar gemenskap i en församling i närområdet.

  • Guds rike växa i Falkenberg och i världen.

  • Guds Ande ska skapa en god jordmån i Tullbrokyrkan för nytt liv.

  • Gud kallar rätt person till tjänsten som Barn- och Ungdomspastor i Tullbrokyrkan.

  • Guds rike ska få utbreda sig i människors liv.

  • Be för Elim Light Bergshamra och alla de kontakter de har.

  • Be för Anders och Elin Solberg som leder arbetet.

  • Be för gemenskapsdagarna för pensionerade förkunnare som hålls i dagarna på Götabro kurs- och konferensgård utanför Örebro.

EFKbön (428x353)

Det är nu det gäller, det är nu du behövs!

Posted on 8 maj, 2013 Länk till annan webbplats. by jonasochjosefin Länk till annan webbplats.

Du som är van att be, och du som inte är van att be, sänd böner till Jesus om beskydd för våra vänner i Bangladesh. Meningen var att jag skulle ha åkt dit i morgon men jag har varit tvungen att ställa in resan då riskerna är för stora och då jag inte hade kunnat besöka och utvärdera de projekt som vi finns med i.

Jag bifogar text från mailen som jag fått från två vänner i landet.


I am writing today with great concern for my nation and its future and I would like you to join in prayer with us at this crucial time. I am sure that you are aware of the political unrest as well as other horrific tragedies that we have suffered one after another as a nation in the recent months, and I believe that it is time for us to join in prayer and ask the Lord to guide us through this tumultuous time. We want to declare Jesus as Lord of this nation and we want his will to be done for Bangladesh and though the opposition is great we will not cower in fear but cling on to the hope that is in Christ Jesus and will continue to lead others to it. The Word says in James 5:16  ”…The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much”, so you our friends who have visited us, ministered with us and enjoyed our wonderful food and those of you who have not but have kept us in you thoughts and anguished over the lost – we ask you to join us in spirit and pray over these following points:

1. Protection: for our believer and especially the new ones who are more vulnerable to aggression from the extremists who are actually targeting missionary work.

2. Commuting: with the various strikes and protests going on every other day of the week it is difficult to travel and the risk senseless attacks is high. In fact while traveling in our ministry van to the north we were attacked but managed to get away but we were hit by a brick which narrowly missed the window behind which I was sitting. Please pray for the safety of our pastor and evangelists who travel frequently and most of the time by themselves leaving their family behind. 

3. Pray that our constitution would be upheld and freedom and the relative openness we enjoy as a nation would continue. Pray that this call to radicalism would go unheard and ignored.

4. Please pray for the government and its leaders, that they will have wisdom and foresight as they navigate us through this difficult times.

En annan vän skriver:

Thanks for your call. Just to add with what I wrote to my email below, this is to inform you that all the main entrance roads to Dhaka were blocked by the fundamentalist groups and no vehicle nor people were able to enter the city nor others could enter from outside. Fights have been going on for day long between the police and the people making the barricades around Dhaka city and several people got killed and injured including members of law enforcing agencies like police, rapid action battalion and Bangladesh border guards. In the evening, the Hefazate Islami burnt several road side shops and vehicles in the areas where they had all the barricades. The number of these people gathering would be more than 2 million approximately; they were all in Islamic outfit and appearance and very violent. They gathered and remained on a road square called “Shapla Chatter” meaning the courtyard of Water Lilly in Motijheel area (south-east of Dhaka), the most prominent commercial area and had their meetings all day long and spent the night there. The law enforcing agencies attacked them at about 3:00 am in the morning today and scattered them away. The armed forced used guns and grenades on them. Several of those protestors got killed (… ). The major opposition party, Bangladesh Nationalist Party, has a meeting this afternoon, when they will decide on the next course of action. People are suspecting that the situation can get really bad!

All this started on the issue of having the next election under the caretaker government, bringing the war criminals to justice, the protest of “Gano Jagoran Mancha” meaning People’s Waking Up Platform, who demanded the capital punishment of the war criminals when one convict was given life-sentence, bloggers writing something that was against Islam or the Prophet, raise of this particular group called Hefazate Islami, meaning saving Islam, who has made a 13 point demand on the government to fulfill, which is impossible for the government to meet and thus this violent movement has started from yesterday.